Summary Eesti Loodus 2015/12


The urban cows of Pärnu do a good job
Bert Holm introduces the urban cows of Pärnu and how they are grazed on the coastal meadows of the seaside town. The cattle have become one of the visit cards of the town and the once-destroyed plant community has been restored.

Birds are also fond of the Pärnu coastal meadows
Mati Kose sums up the results of the birdwatch of the Pärnu coast: many species have returned to the coastal meadows, and even a new species – the great snipe – has appeared.

Research of genetics help to protect nature
Tsipe Aavik and Aveliina Helm point out that the biological diversity is largely dependent on a less-noticeable factor – genetic diversity.

Estonian Nature enquires
Helen Arusoo sums of the year of the wild boar and announces the new mammal of the year – the badger.
Allan Selin sums of the year of the Pericallia matronula, a tiger moth.

Meteorological observatory 150: The development of weather station network in Estonia
Ain Kallis and Miina Krabbi look back at the long journey from the first random weather observations to the formation of the modern network of weather stations.

Meteorological observatory 150: The table of weather foretelling or How the information reached people
Ain Kallis browsed through old newspapers: a century ago the profession of weather forecaster was a very lousy one.

Meteorological observatory 150: The long data series of River Emajõgi take us 150 years back in history
Arvo Järvet describes the development of hydrological observation series in Estonia, based on the example of River Emajõgi.

Interesting Estonia: Saartneem – an island or a peninsula?
Elen Rekand takes the reader to small island off the Käsmu coast at Lahemaa. Depending on the water level it is sometimes an island and sometimes a peninsula.

Interview: There are children out there who do not get to go outside from Lasnamäe or downtown
Rainer Kerge has interviewed Heidi Vilu, the head of the Estonian Museum of Natural History in Tallinn.

Bird of the year: Where do our buzzards migrate?
Ülo Väli, Urmas Sellis and Olavi Vainu observed the migration routes of European honey buzzard and common buzzard to the wintering areas and back to the nesting areas.

Tree of the year: European barberry is not a medical herb of good reputation
Ain Raal knows the reasons why the once widely-used medical herb is now almost forgotten.

Kant’s oak trees at Tartu Toomemägi (hill)
Taavi Pae, Kristina Sohar and Alar Läänelaid looked for the oak trees planted by Edgar Kant in 1942. However, it appears that the planted trees have not made it to nowadays.

Exciting old trees: New data about big coniferous trees
Hendrik Relve and others have found the highest trees of Estonia, which exceed the previous record owners by 4 meters.

The nuthatch
Karl Adami portrays a little bird easily found in our nature.






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