Summary Eesti Loodus 2017/1


Estonian Nature enquires
Tarmo Tüür explains why the environmental organizations are unhappy with the planned changes to forest legislation.
Raul Rosenvald discusses the yearly increment of timber in Estonia and the extent of deforestation that would still be sustainable.

Bird of the year 2017: Eurasian collared dove has been part of Estonian fauna only half a century
Riho Märja starts introducing the birds of the years – the doves – and gives guidelines for recognizing between different dove species.

The artificial springs of the mining area of Ida-Virumaa
Mait Sepp describes the water-rich artificial springs that have emerged after the closure of oil shale mines: some of the springs have become new sight of interest.

Rail Baltic has no place in the natural landscape
Mati Kose takes another look at problems related to the planned high-speed rail: the amount of small and large mammals as well as birds killed on the traditional railway is already quite noteworthy, and these number will go up fast in the case of high-speed rail.

Halos are exciting
Jüri Kamenik explains the essence of halos, a family of optical phenomena produced by light interacting with ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere.

An Estonian location: The stone road of Ohepalu
Juhani Püttsepp walked along the stony road of Ohepalu and looks for reasons why the stones emerge from the road again and again.

Interesting Estonia: The wooden church at Puutlipalu
Timo Palo introduces a unique Orthodox church of the Vastseliina rural municipality. The church is an object of heritage culture and was recently restored.

Interview: The Tartu University will remain the stronghold of Estonian culture
Toomas Kukk has interviewed Volli Kalm, a professor of applied geology and the rector of Tartu University.

Practical tips: How to portrait waterbodies?
Urmas Tartes and Arne Ader share their advice on taking photos of landscape and choosing the right pictures to illustrate a story.

Nature experience from the world: The thrilling biodiversity of the Llanos.
Hendrik Relve starts a series of articles introducing the amazing nature of the world by depicting Los Llanos, the tropical grasslands of the northern part of South America.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: Future disguised as past

Estonian old-growth trees: How old is the Raagi pine at the Muhu Island?
Alar Läänelaid and Jaan Tamm are worried about the increasingly worsening state of the large pine tree by the old Pädaste-Liiva road at the Muhu Island.

Citizen science in your back yard
Aarne Tuule calls the readers on to observe wintering garden birds on January 27–29.

The past birdyear: record-breaking migration season and the Siberian accentor
Tarvo Valker sums up the birdyear of 2016, which will be remembered by early migration in spring and record-breaking autumn migration.

Avian influenza is still in the air
Madis Leivits warns against the very contagious highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI, type H5N8), which now remains in Central Europe, but can easily spread around.

Red deer, the royal fair game
Mikk Männiste looks at the status quo of the red deer in Estonia and gives advice on how to use the venison in your home cuisine.

A bat in the garage
Lauri Lutsar tells about what to do when you find a bat wintering in your garage.


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