Summary Eesti Loodus 2018/04


Estonian Nature inquires
Tõnu Talvi explains which wolf damages are calculated and compensated

How are wolves doing on the European scale?
Maris Hindrikson and Urmas Saarma have studied the genetic diversity of European wolf populations.

Wolf as a companion
Kalju Kask recalls a day from his childhood when he was observed by a wolf on his day home through the forest.

Identification of redpolls requires an experienced eye
Uku Paal tries to clarify the systematics of redpolls: how to distinguish common redpolls from the lesser and arctic redpolls.

Estonian working bees in Byelorussia: restoring a bog
Kadri Aller looks back at the joint work of Estonian Fund for Nature and the Byelorussian organization “Bahna”.

A new orchid taxon in Estonia: Epipactis helleborine subsp. orbicularis
Rainar Kurbel and Toomas Hirse discovered the subspecies of the broad-leaved helleborine, which might be quite frequent in Estonia and the neighbouring countries.

Mushroom of the year: Tinder fungus, an important mushroom in nature and culture
Indrek Sell and Kadri Runnel describe a tree fungus, which produces very large polypore fruit bodies on trees and which in ancient times was very much appreciated by people as a means for making fire.

A hundred rows about Estonian nature: Land – our sister or just a resource?
Jaan Kaplinski’s essay

An Estonian location: Kooraste forest: protecting old trees
Juhani Püttsepp paid a visit to Kooraste in South-Estonia, where the Estonian Forest Management Center plans to cut down a piece of valuable old forest by protected lakes.

Interview: If we wish to keep the nitrogen flow under control, we should not touch the wetlands
Katre Palo has interviewed Ülo Mander, a nature geographer, ecologist and the professor of Tartu University.

Hiking trail: On the wild banks of the Võhandu River
Killu Timm suggests to discover the nature of the Võhandu River valley also on foot, not just from the canoe, which is the most popular means of transport along the river valley.

Nature experience from the world: The selvas of Amazonas and amazing birds
Hendrik Relve has travelled to the rainforests of Central Brazil, where biodiversity is best observed on a boat trip.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: On Antrophocene, which has been called the limit of human abilities.

The ruin of the Mäksa holy oak was started by a deed of St Bonifacius
Heldur Sander recalls the cutting of an ancient holy oak: during the centuries, our respect for age-old holy places has not improved.

Powerful garlic
Triin Nõu gives an overview of garlic cultivation and its use in cuisine and apotropaic magic.

Cashews are the seeds of the Anacardium tree
Ülar Allas commends the qualities of cashews and looks at other use of the Anacardium seeds.

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