Summary Eesti Loodus 2016/02


Hibernation and winter nap
Uudo Timm explains why some animals have to go deep winter sleep while others can just take a light nap.

Estonian Nature inquires
Jüri Kamenik writes about reasons why North-Estonia received a much thicker snow cover in January compared to continental Estonia.

Where did the old roads go? II
Valdo Praust continues taking a look at our ancient and medieval road Network. It appears that the road network has changed quite considerably and winter roads, once the main roads in use, have been neglected and forgotten.

The relationships between lions and Christians on the Roman circus arenas in the light of animal psychology
Aarne Ruben elaborates on the contacts between early Christians and predators: sometimes there were conflicts and sometimes not.

Climate changes are easier to exemplify than to recognize
Märt Hanso and Rein Drenkhan have found a way to make climate change easily recognizable, by using simple methods.

What should be done in order to prevent parents from serving their kids bleach liquor?
Juhan Javoiš has questioned Wolfgang Wagner, a social psychologist, about possibilities to avoid clear acts of dumbness.

Interesting Estonia: The Põrgupõhja bunker tells the story of bushwhackers of Estonia
Jürgen Kusmin introduces a bunker near Vana-Vigala, Rapla County, a symbol of the World War II.

A small Estonian location: Väike-Keema Lake warns against cursing
Juhani Püttsepp takes the reader to the Urvaste Parish, to a lake associated with a number of exciting folk tales.

The highest point of Saaremaa
Taavi Pae writes about the confusions related to determining the highest point of the Saaremaa Island.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: The tolerance of tolerance of tolerance: nature’s true face.

Interview: Unorganized information becomes garbage
Rainer Kerge (Õhtuleht) has interviewed Professor Urmas Kõljalg, an academic, a mycologist, and the head of the newly opened Natural History Museum of the Tartu University.

Jussi nature trail: The magic moor and six lakes
Kristina Traks suggests to take a hike at a nature trail at Kõrvemaa. The enchanting trail has powerful views and gives a strong feeling of solitude.

Exciting old trees: The large trees of Tammelinn (Tartu) and the largest hazelnut tree
Toomas Kiho describes the fattest hazelnut tree of Estonia and the highest Douglas fir of Tartu.

Practical tips: Photographing in winter, I. The right clothes guarantee the feeling of warmth
Timo Palo shares advice about how to take photographs in winter conditions: what to wear and how to avoid getting cold.

Practical tips: The story of nature on photographs: the principles of choosing the right pictures
Urmas Tartes and Arne Ader start with a series of advice, giving tips and guidelines for taking pictures and using these as illustrative materials in articles.

Rhodos, the island of oriental sweetgums
Tapio Vares has travelled to an island in Greece, to search for Liquidambar orientalis, commonly known as oriental sweetgum or Turkish sweetgum, a Tertiary relict endemic taxon.

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