Summary Eesti Loodus 2016/4


The migration phenology of birds reflects climate changes
Mait Sepp, Vello Palm and Aivar Leito look for relations between climate changes and the arrival of migratory birds. Research indicates that those birds which winter nearby arrive earlier than before.

My summer in Estonia
Indrek Ladva takes the role of a young white stork and describes its summer in Estonia, starting from the arrival of stork parents in April.

Raccon dog: a danger to biodiversity and men?
Harri Valdmann, Karmen Süld and Leidi Laurimaa study the reasons behind the generative success of raccoon dogs, as well the scab disease and parasites that affect the species. Nevertheless, the racoon dogs are not going to disappear from Estonia.

The biology textbook turned out to be too difficult for half of the children
Helen Lokke and Jaan Mikk state that the 8th grade biology textbooks are hard to understand for many pupils.

A location in Estonia: Kurese, a sleepy village on a former seacoast
Juhani Püttsepp introduces an ancient village of Kurese in Mihkli parish, Western Pärnumaa. The diversity-rich pastures are maintained by beef cattle.

Interesting Estonia: Merioon, a spring cave extending to the sea
Kristel Vilbaste takes the reader to Tilleorg, at Põlva county, where a fresh spring flows from the high sandstone outcrop.

Interview: Money burns where unreasonable decisions are made
Rainer Kerge has interviewed Alar Karis, a former molecular geneticist and developmental biology, the many-time rector emeritus and the current Auditor General of Estonia.

Hiking trail: Laiksaare flooded meadow
Elen Rekand suggests to take a hike at a wooded riverside nature trail at Pärnumaa, between Häädemeeste and Kilingi-Nõmme.
Practical tips: Nature’s story on pictures: how to portray butterflies
Arne Ader and Urmas Tartes share advice on what to keep in mind for the picture of a butterfly to reflect its natural habits.

Today in two weeks, after 10 years in two hours
Keily Tammaru takes a look back on the winter hike of the Tartu Students’ Nature Protection Circle along the planned rout of the Rail Baltic.

Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego: from wetlands to highlands
Jaanus Paal introduces the diverse and unique vegetation and other elements of nature of the southern tip of South America.

The garners of the Estonian collections of natural history: The gnat which attacked Karl Ernst von Baer
Olavi Kurina, Thea Kull and Heli Kirik found an accidentally collected gnat from the von Baer’s herbarium, collected in 1840. The species of the gnat has now been determined.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: Automatons are here to rule over nature and humans


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