Summary Eesti Loodus 2016/8


How are peatlands pictured in children’s books?
Piret Pungas-Kohv gives an overview of the image of peatlands in Estonian children’s literature, starting from Kreutzwald and ending with Kivirähk.

Peatlands as fixators of carbon
Jüri-Ott Salm and Ain Kull have examined how much carbon can peatlands fix and how much greenhouse gases are emitted in the course of peatland drainage.

What to do with drained peatlands?
Edgar Karofeld and Triin Triisberg-Uljas promote tidying up drained peatlands and find new uses for these abandoned areas.

Berry fields on milled peatlands
Taimi Paal suggests to use drained milled peatlands as berry fields: cranberries and lowbush blueberries flourish well on abandoned peatlands.

Berries of peatlands
Kai Kimmel gives an overview of the edible berries that grow in our peatlands, from cloudberries to crowberries.

Peat moss could be the national plant of Estonia
Marju Kõivupuu suggest to choose the peat moss to be the national plant of Estonia. Although a surprising choice at the first glance, Kõivupuu’s idea makes a lot of sense.

Estonian Nature enquires
Marika Kose tells about the activities of the Estonian Wetland Society.

Tiit Kändler’s essay: The strange inevitability of drylands

A location in Estonia: A hole in the bank of the Emajõgi River – the house of river straighteners
Juhani Püttsepp looks back at people whose job was to straighten the river, and the former captains of towboats, which were used to tow barges.

Interview: Estonia is a land of ten thousand peatlands
Toomas Kukk has interviewed Eerik Leibak, a researcher and protector of bogs and mires.

Practical tips: Habitats. How to take photos of habitats and choose them to illustrate a story
Urmas Tartes and Arne Ader teach to make difference between photos of landscapes and photos of habitats, using peatland habitats as examples.

Peatlands above the clouds
Jaanus Paal takes us to the Andes: there are peatlands in the area of alpine grasslands of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador.

Practical tips: The ABC of a peatland hike
Marko Kohv gives advice on how to choose the most functional and also safer route in different mire types.

Deceptive and enticing Will-o’-the-Wisps
Marju Kõivupuu describes a phenomenon which hasn’t been recorded nowadays, because people to not any more go to mires on dark autumn nights.

Coranus, habitants of boggy and sandy areas
Ave Liivamägi and Peeter Tarlap introduce a genus of assassin bugs, which are little known despite of their noteworthy appearance.


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